Terms & Conditions

Middle East Souk T E R M S & C O N D I T I O N S

By using Middle East Souk, or by using Web site tools provided by Middle East Souk (the "Services"), you agree to the following terms and conditions:

A. Customers of Middle East Souk and visitors to Customers' Web sites using functionality provided by Middle East Souk (Visitors) acknowledge that they have an obligation not to use or allow the use of the Services for infringing, illegal or improper purposes or in an infringing, illegal or improper manner. This includes, without limitation:

1.     transmitting threatening, abusive, obscene, pornographic, profane, libelous, slanderous, or harassing materials;

2.     unauthorized copying or transmission of copyrighted, trademarked, or other proprietary material;

3.     sending, or causing a third party to send large numbers of unsolicited e-mail messages (i.e. "junk mail" or "spam"), regardless of whether or not messages sent conform with the requirements of (USA) state or federal laws governing transmission of unsolicited e-mail messages, or forwarding or posting "chain letters" (multiple forwarding) of any type;

4.     propagating computer worms or viruses;

5.     forging e-mail or discussion group posting header information;

6.     adding or attempting to add addresses to any mailing or distribution list without explicit positive consent of the addressee;

7.     attempting to collect personal information from a minor (individual less than 18 years of age);

8.     attempting to collect credit card numbers or social security numbers from visitors to the Customer's Web site;

9.     attempting to collect any personal information from visitors to the Customer's Web site for purposes that are not disclosed to the visitor at the time the information is collected;

10. engaging in harassment, sexual in nature or otherwise, whether through language, frequency or size of messages;

11. engaging in any other purpose or activity that violates any applicable law or regulation, either foreign or domestic, or facilitates the violation of any applicable law or regulation; and

12. engaging in any other purpose or activity that Middle East Souk believes could subject it to criminal liability or civil penalty or judgment.

B. Customers and Visitors acknowledge and agree not to engage in actions that could adversely affect the operation of Middle East Souk or its Service Provider, or Middle East Souk's ability to provide the Services to its other Customers. These actions include:

1.     attempting to circumvent user authentication or security of Middle East Souk, its Service Provider, any Customer, or the Internet at large ("cracking");

2.     posting inappropriate messages to Customer discussion groups that do not abide by the charter(s), if any, of the discussion groups in which they appear;

3.     attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with Services being provided to other Customers;

4.     attempting to access, copy, change or erase information or date placed on Middle East Souk or its Service Provider's servers by other Customers or Visitors; and

5.     using an account at another provider to disrupt service for Middle East Souk or its Service Provider's Customers or users of the Internet at large;

C. Customers' right to use the Services is personal to the Customer and as such is nonexclusive and nontransferable. Customers may not resell or redistribute the Services.

D. If Customer is an individual, he or she represents and warrants that he or she is of legal age. In the event Customer is a minor (defined as a person of less than 18 years of age), Customer may not use the Services until Middle East Souk has received a copy of a consent form duly signed by the Customer's parent or legal guardian.

E. Customers and Visitors acknowledge and agree that neither Middle East Souk nor its Service Provider are responsible for the content of the transmissions by Customers or Visitors that may pass through Middle East Souk and its Service Provider's servers or equipment (Network.)

F. Customers acknowledge that they are responsible for the security of their password(s) and all use of the Services obtained by them, with or without the consent or knowledge of the Customer.

G. Access to the Network cannot be guaranteed to any Customer. Customers may be unable to access the Network at any time, and disconnections from the Network may occur from time to time.

H. Material accessible to Customers and Visitors through using the Services may be the subject of intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets. Except as expressly permitted by the owner of such rights, Customers and Visitors may not reproduce, redistribute, retransmit, publish or otherwise transfer, or commercially exploit, any such material.

I. Customers and Visitors understand that certain information that may be accessible through Web sites using Services provided by Middle East Souk may be considered inappropriate for minors. Customers and Visitors acknowledge that Middle East Souk exercises no control whatsoever over the content of the information passing through or stored on its systems.

1.     Middle East Souk does not monitor or review and is not responsible for the content of any Web site, or element of a Web site, using or incorporating as an element the Services.

2.     Middle East Souk does not monitor or review and is not responsible for any posting or submission made to any Web site, discussion group, mailing list, automated form, guestbook, calendar or other application using the Services.

3.     The Services include mechanisms that provide transmission, routing, provision of connections, or storage carried out through an automatic technical process without selection of the material by Middle East Souk, and without permanent storage of the material transmitted. With respect to these mechanisms, Middle East Souk does not select the recipients of the material except as an automatic response to the request of another person, Middle East Souk does not maintain on the Network a copy of the material in the course of such intermediate or transient storage in a manner ordinarily accessible to anyone other than anticipated recipients, Middle East Souk does not maintain on the Network any copy in a manner ordinarily accessible to the anticipated recipients for a longer period than is reasonably necessary for the transmission, routing, or provision of connections; and the material is transmitted through th e Net work witho ut mo dification of its content.

4.     Although Middle East Souk can not actively monitor content and data transmitted through, or posted on, its Network by Customers and Visitors, it accommodates and does not interfere with standard technical measures used by copyright owners to identify or protect copyrighted works.

J. In the event Middle East Souk learns or becomes aware that a Customer or Visitor may have violated these Terms of Use by causing or allowing data, content, or materials to be present on the Network, Middle East Souk may remove, delete, or disable access to such data, content, or materials from the Network without providing advance notice to the Customer or Visitor.

K. In the event Middle East Souk learns or becomes aware that a Customer or Visitor may have violated these Terms of Use, or if Middle East Souk's Service Provider notifies it that an action of a Customer or Visitor has caused Middle East Souk to violate its contract with the Service Provider, Middle East Souk may suspend or terminate access to its Network by the Customer or Visitor without providing advance notice to the Customer or Visitor. Middle East Souk's policy is to investigate allegations of infringing, illegal, or improper conduct violating these Terms of Use, and suspending or terminating access to the Network by any Customer that:

1.     violates these Terms of Use in a manner that could subject Middle East Souk to criminal or civil penalty;

2.     repeatedly violates these Terms of Use; or


3.     attracts a Visitor or Visitors that repeatedly violate these Terms of Use.


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